This testing machine has been developed in accordance with the technical requirements specified in JB/T7796 "Technical Conditions for Spring Tension & Compression Testing Machines."

The machine utilizes CNC motor speed control technology to achieve high-speed approach to the testing point and low-speed detection at the testing point, ensuring test efficiency and improving testing accuracy.

It is widely used for mechanical testing of various materials in tension and compression.

Utilizes high-precision ball screw drive for precise displacement control.

Fully automatic loading with CNC motor for fast and convenient speed adjustment, and the option to set custom testing speeds.

Automatically detects and tests at six different points, with automatic return to the initial position. Configurable deformation parameters and force testing, including the ability to set the remaining height of the test specimen; the height sensor allows for digital compensation to ensure testing precision.
Modelo / Model / Modelo STCTCN
Capacidade / Capacity / Capacidad 5N 10N 20N 50N 100N 200N 500N 1000N 2000N 5000N 10000N 20000N
“Faixa Eficaz de Medição de Força de Teste (N)
Effective Measurement Range of Test Force (N)
Rango Efectivo de Medición de Fuerza de Prueba (N)”
4% ~100%
“Precisão do Valor de Leitura Mínima (N)
Minimum Reading Value Accuracy (N)
Precisión del Valor de Lectura Mínimo (N)”
0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.005 0.01 0.01
“Precisão de Deslocamento
Displacement Accuracy
Precisión de Desplazamiento”
0,01 mm 0.1 0.001
“Espaço Máximo de Extensão
Maximum Extension Space
Espacio Máximo de Extensión”
150 mm 400 mm ≤ 600 mm
“Comprimento Máximo de Compressão
Maximum Compression Length
Longitud Máxima de Compresión”
150 mm 400 mm ≤ 600 mm
“Diâmetro da Placa (mm)
Plate Diameter (mm)
Diámetro de la Placa (mm)”
30 60 60 60 60 60 100 160 200
Velocidade / Speed / Velocidad 0,05 ~500 mm / min
“Erro Relativo da Indicação de Força de Teste
Relative Error of Test Force Indication
Error Relativo de la Indicación de la Fuerza de Prueba”
Energia / Energy / Energia 220 V ±10 % 50 / 60Hz
“≤±(50 + 0,15I) mm Deformação de Indicação Precisão de Deslocamento (I para medir a distância entre placas de prensa em qualquer posição) Indication Deformation Displacement Accuracy (I for measuring the distance between press plates at any position) Deformación de Indicación Precisión de Desplazamiento (I para medir la distancia entre placas de prensa en cualquier posición) ”